Keep cell phone with you when you go to bed |
A study by the Pew Research Center has claimed that 83 percent of the modern generation(born after the year 1980) people sleep with their phone or cell phone.The figure and the research topic is quite interesting.Now the question comes why the number is so big and why new generation want to sleep with their cell phone?As a blogger in the field of telecommunication i have found out some reasons for those people want to sleep with their cell phone or want to keep their cell phone in reach when they are at bed.The reasons are below:
Now a days most of the people use their cell phone as an alarm tool.So,cell phone helps them to get awake in the morning when they are asleep.Service holders,students of college and universities both staying at hostel and home use this technique to be on time on their work place.
As this is their only way of communication to the outer world:
Most of the people has no other way to communicate with the outer world in the emergency time so this is the best way to keep it in reach at the time when they go to sleep.
Treatment of insomnia:
As the modern cell phones has facilities like gaming,movie and they also can store their books which will help them to fall asleep and is a great treatment of insomnia they keep it when they go to bed and that is why it stays with them whole night.
Use of cell phone as a torch light:
As cell phone is a good source of light people can use it as a source of light so they keep it with them at night when they are in the bed.
Hope you like my reasons.I know there may be also other lots of reasons.If you want to add any you can tell those as a comment.
Thanks for your patience!